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San Francisco, CA, United States
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* Runway of the World, Oct 22, 2010 6:30pm @ Hotel Valencia, San Jose
* Indulgence Lounge Exhibition & Show, Nov 5, 2010 6:00pm @ The Payne Mansion, 1409 Sutter Street, San Francisco
* Green Festival Exhibition, Nov 6-7, 2010 10pm @ San Francisco Convention Center
* Chance Fashion Show, Nov 13, 2010 8pm @ Vela Lounge, Seattle
* Silicon Valley Beauty Contest Chapter I, Apr 2, 2011 6pm @ Temple Lounge, San Jose
* Silicon Valley Beauty Contest Chapter II, May 8, 2011 6pm @ Temple Lounge, San Jose
* Ao Dai Festival, May 15, 2011 5pm @ Dynasty Restaurant
* Silicon Valley Beauty Contest Chapter III, June 4, 2011 6pm @ Temple Lounge, San Jose

Monday, November 29, 2010


In the previous articles I have talked about information and intuition--simply saying, everybody gets different information and nobody knows all the information, with limited information sometimes we have to use our intuition to make decisions, but intuition is not pure guesses, it comes from observation, analysis, and experiences.

One day I have talked about "trust" with a friend--Everybody subconsciously has a "initial trust level" when first meet someone--let's scale it from 0 to 100, people that are more suspicious start from a lower number, and people that give more trust start from a higher number, then adjust it while gaining more information overtime.  This initial level depends on people's characters and previous experience, usually range from 20-80, and there is a "resistance factor" which measures how difficult is to change one's "trust score" to other people.

My friend usually starts the score with 0 (which is quite an extreme) when he meets someone, and when he spends more time with that person, and get more information, he will raise up the score. He seems to view the information as it is, resistance factor is pretty low.

I look things differently. I do not have a fixed initial trust score when I meet people, the score varies by my first impression of people--guess I have pretty good intuition about how one person is after my initial conversation with them. Once I set the score, it is really hard to change.  Because the information is incomplete, and the truth may not be what we see and what we hear, so I trust my intuition more (which is right most of the time), unless I can gather enough information to do a solid analysis to prove the point, I would not change my judgment dramatically.  I believe nothing we see really means anything, and nothing is stand-alone, we need to look at things collectively--that's what I meant by "look at people with your heart not your eyes", and "use your intuition not only information".
Many people think good intuition comes from experiences, but it is not completely true.  A lot of people think they have experience so that they know better how to deal with things, but sometimes people get tricked by their experience, because they didn't realize that same cause can lead to different results, and different causes can lead the same result--they use what happened before to predict and to deal with what happens now or what will happen in the future, sometimes it just doesn't work. 

I think overall I have pretty good intuition, it is mainly because I observe things well (due to my psychology education & experience) and I analyze things in a different way (thanks to quantum physics and my scientific friends).  It is not easy to make decisions based mostly on intuitions, it needs a lot of efforts, but just observe carefully, think logically, analyze wisely, then close your eyes, clear your mind and follow your heart.:)

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