An old close friend I met through high school Physics Olympiad 10 years ago sent me this article this morning, with him getting Klein Award. I'm so happy for him!!! He's always been very brilliant and outstanding since then, and really glad that he has followed his dream in studying physics. Still remembered we talked about everything about science at that time: from physics to biology, from atoms to dinosaurs, from cells to the whole biology circle...very sweet memories~~~
Wish him the best for his dream, and everything in life :)
About Me
- MissBonbonChloé
- San Francisco, CA, United States
- Sur mon Ile, j'ai écris une page d histoire, pas d'humanité, ni historique, mais une page de MON histoire. Ne rêvons pas nos vie, vivons nos rêves...
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- A Brief History of Time - by Stephen Hawking
- Behavioral Corporate Finance - by Hersh Shefrin
- Blue Ocean Strategy - by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
- Competitive Advantate - by Michael E. Porter
- Competitive Strategy - by Michael E. Porter
- Dealing With Darwin - by Geoffrey A. Moorel
- Jurassic Park - by Michael Crichton
- Leadership and the New Science - by Margaret J. Wheatley
- Nothing I See Means Anything - by David Parrish
- Paying for It - by Veronica Monet
- Relativity - by Albert Einstein
- Seven Life Lessons of Chaos - by John Briggs and F. David Peat
- The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud - by Sigmund Freud
- The Elegant Universe - by Brian Greene
- The Hidden Reality - by Brian Greene
- The Intelligent Investors - by Benjamin Graham
- The Lost World - by Michael Crichton
- The Road To Reality - By Roger Penrose
- The Social Atom - by Mark Buchanan
- The Theory of Everything - by Stephen W. Hawking
- The Tipping Point - by Malcolm Gladwell
- The Trouble with Physics - by Lee Smolin
- The Way of Adventure - by Jeff Salz
- Three Roads to Quantum Gravity - by Lee Smolin
- Turbulent MIRROR - by John Briggs & F. David Peat
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Therapy Treatment for Hiccup
Met a patient yesterday, who has hiccup for 27 months, from stomach to chest, bleeding, and throw out what he ate and drank regularly... I actually don't really know how the western chiropractors work, from Chinese medicine point view, it looks not too complicated... Here is some thoughts:
In Chinese medicine, it called 呃逆 -- 患者自觉胸膈气逆,喉间呃呃连声,不能自主。可单独发生,症状轻微,多持续数分钟至数小时后自愈;也可以继发于其他急慢性病过程中,症状多较严重,可昼夜不停,或间歇发作,迁延数日至数月不愈。可能因为饮食不当,情志不遂,正气亏虚等使胃失和降,气逆动膈引起。西医学里面的单纯性膈肌痉挛及其他疾病如胃肠神经官能症,胃炎,胃扩张,胃癌,肝硬化晚期,脑血管病,尿毒症及胃食管手术后等引起的膈肌痉挛都可以是为中医学上的“呃逆”
- 胃中寒冷:呃声沉缓有力,胸膈及胃脘不舒,得热则减,遇寒更甚,口淡纳呆,苔薄白,脉迟缓。
- 胃火上逆:呃声洪亮有力,冲逆而出,口臭烦渴,喜冷饮,脘腹胀痛,便秘尿黄,舌红,苔黄燥,脉滑数。
- 肝气犯胃:呃逆连声,常因情志不畅而诱发加重,胸闷胁胀,脘腹痞满,嗳气纳呆,肠鸣矢气,苔薄白,脉弦。
- 脾胃阳虚:呃声低长无力,气不得续,腹中冷痛,泛吐清水,脘腹不舒,喜温喜按,手足不温,食少乏力,便溏,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉细弱。
- 胃阴不足:呃逆短促而不得续,口干舌燥,烦躁不安,不思饮食或食后饱胀,大便干结,舌质红,苔少而干,脉细数
1. 针灸 - 和胃降逆止呃。以任脉,足阳明和手厥阴经穴为主
==> 中脘和足三里按症选补泻法;内关和膈俞穴用平补平泻法。配穴按虚补实泻法,寒症配艾灸。
==> 配穴: 胃寒--梁门;胃热--陷谷;肝气犯胃--期门,太冲;阳虚--气海,关元;阴虚--太溪
2.推拿 - 和胃降气平呃。以任脉及相应背俞穴为主
In Chinese medicine, it called 呃逆 -- 患者自觉胸膈气逆,喉间呃呃连声,不能自主。可单独发生,症状轻微,多持续数分钟至数小时后自愈;也可以继发于其他急慢性病过程中,症状多较严重,可昼夜不停,或间歇发作,迁延数日至数月不愈。可能因为饮食不当,情志不遂,正气亏虚等使胃失和降,气逆动膈引起。西医学里面的单纯性膈肌痉挛及其他疾病如胃肠神经官能症,胃炎,胃扩张,胃癌,肝硬化晚期,脑血管病,尿毒症及胃食管手术后等引起的膈肌痉挛都可以是为中医学上的“呃逆”
- 胃中寒冷:呃声沉缓有力,胸膈及胃脘不舒,得热则减,遇寒更甚,口淡纳呆,苔薄白,脉迟缓。
- 胃火上逆:呃声洪亮有力,冲逆而出,口臭烦渴,喜冷饮,脘腹胀痛,便秘尿黄,舌红,苔黄燥,脉滑数。
- 肝气犯胃:呃逆连声,常因情志不畅而诱发加重,胸闷胁胀,脘腹痞满,嗳气纳呆,肠鸣矢气,苔薄白,脉弦。
- 脾胃阳虚:呃声低长无力,气不得续,腹中冷痛,泛吐清水,脘腹不舒,喜温喜按,手足不温,食少乏力,便溏,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉细弱。
- 胃阴不足:呃逆短促而不得续,口干舌燥,烦躁不安,不思饮食或食后饱胀,大便干结,舌质红,苔少而干,脉细数
1. 针灸 - 和胃降逆止呃。以任脉,足阳明和手厥阴经穴为主
==> 中脘和足三里按症选补泻法;内关和膈俞穴用平补平泻法。配穴按虚补实泻法,寒症配艾灸。
==> 配穴: 胃寒--梁门;胃热--陷谷;肝气犯胃--期门,太冲;阳虚--气海,关元;阴虚--太溪
2.推拿 - 和胃降气平呃。以任脉及相应背俞穴为主
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Trying to find something to start with...hmmm, looking at this chocolate bar, reminds me the talk I had with a friend a while ago about kicking a chocolate bar with x-ray in UHV (Ultra High Vacuum)--if it can achieve the ultimate flavor of happiness?
Let's start from the very beginning of this concept, in quantum physics, what is called Photoemission. Basically, it is all about using light to kick electrons out of a chunk of, let's say, chocolate, as we discussed. It is hard to visualize using light to kick something, but if you know "photon", or Sir Isaac's "light ball", that's great. History of science has shown that people seem to be quite serious about this game, because they believe by using a photon to kick those stupid electrons in the chocolate in a pretty gentle manner, then electrons can be pulled out happily and bring with them stories from inside the chocolate bar, which can then be used to make money, e.g., improve the flavor or texture, make it more silky, etc. They are lucky in a certain way, because electrons are usually quite tolerant. So even if you kick them really hard, I mean, gently hard, using an X-ray photon (which is quite heavy), they seem to be pretty enjoying being kicked, so they popped up with a whole lot of stories. But once they are out of the chocolate, obviously they are less happy, and they might fall asleep and drift around, forget the story they once remembered. To keep them awake, without chocolate and coffee, cheap vacuum won't work. So, there comes a place to waste some dollars: UHV ...
Sounds like an interesting game? But later on we realized, that is actually a very very bad idea. Why? Chocolate is not vacuum compatible, meaning when you are pumping stuff out of your 100,000.00$ UHV box, the chocolate will degas like crazy--Degas means throw up all kinds of weird things into the vacuum so vacuum is no longer vacuum any more...'s just a fun idea, don't even think about trying it in your UHV box :)
Let's start from the very beginning of this concept, in quantum physics, what is called Photoemission. Basically, it is all about using light to kick electrons out of a chunk of, let's say, chocolate, as we discussed. It is hard to visualize using light to kick something, but if you know "photon", or Sir Isaac's "light ball", that's great. History of science has shown that people seem to be quite serious about this game, because they believe by using a photon to kick those stupid electrons in the chocolate in a pretty gentle manner, then electrons can be pulled out happily and bring with them stories from inside the chocolate bar, which can then be used to make money, e.g., improve the flavor or texture, make it more silky, etc. They are lucky in a certain way, because electrons are usually quite tolerant. So even if you kick them really hard, I mean, gently hard, using an X-ray photon (which is quite heavy), they seem to be pretty enjoying being kicked, so they popped up with a whole lot of stories. But once they are out of the chocolate, obviously they are less happy, and they might fall asleep and drift around, forget the story they once remembered. To keep them awake, without chocolate and coffee, cheap vacuum won't work. So, there comes a place to waste some dollars: UHV ...
Sounds like an interesting game? But later on we realized, that is actually a very very bad idea. Why? Chocolate is not vacuum compatible, meaning when you are pumping stuff out of your 100,000.00$ UHV box, the chocolate will degas like crazy--Degas means throw up all kinds of weird things into the vacuum so vacuum is no longer vacuum any more...'s just a fun idea, don't even think about trying it in your UHV box :)
A Prophet or A Fool?
Am I a prophet or a fool? I don't know...I'm just one of those few people, who pursuit his or her own vision, who can either be a prophet or a fool, who prefers that essential uncertainty to the comfort of traveling with a crowd of like-minded seekers...
I read random books, I do random things, I create random thoughts, I make random theories...everything is so random, but all these random things are to some extent connected together--Nothing in this world is completely separated, everything tends to work in the same way--Why? How? ... That's the underlying orders of the universe scientists have been trying to figure out.
In high school years, I have been fixed my eyes on the universe--mathematics, physics, fundamental theories--from Newton's traditional mechanics, to Einstein's general relativity, then to quantum physics. Switched my attention to more complex science, such as chaos theory and system science when I got into college. My life went to another way every since, as I got into the business world. Then I start to learn more "practical" things--law, psychology, economics, finance...and one day, by some random chance, I started to learn Chinese medicine, acupuncture, then another random chance, I got into fashion world. However, all those random things seem to start to connect together to this point, and it switched my attention back to quantum physics, but this time I have a full new view of this science, and of this world...
It's time to put these random things together... but it will still be random notes ... I may be a prophet, or a fool ... who knows? who cares? just follow your heart, follow your mind, take a step back, breath deeply, relax, then open your eyes, expose to as many things as you can, and learn as much as you can ...
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