Welcome to my "RANDOM" world, which is full of random things, and is all about random things...! Enjoy, and please leave some random thoughts :)

About Me

My photo
San Francisco, CA, United States
Sur mon Ile, j'ai écris une page d histoire, pas d'humanité, ni historique, mais une page de MON histoire. Ne rêvons pas nos vie, vivons nos rêves...

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~Join Me at My Events~
* Runway of the World, Oct 22, 2010 6:30pm @ Hotel Valencia, San Jose
* Indulgence Lounge Exhibition & Show, Nov 5, 2010 6:00pm @ The Payne Mansion, 1409 Sutter Street, San Francisco
* Green Festival Exhibition, Nov 6-7, 2010 10pm @ San Francisco Convention Center
* Chance Fashion Show, Nov 13, 2010 8pm @ Vela Lounge, Seattle
* Silicon Valley Beauty Contest Chapter I, Apr 2, 2011 6pm @ Temple Lounge, San Jose
* Silicon Valley Beauty Contest Chapter II, May 8, 2011 6pm @ Temple Lounge, San Jose
* Ao Dai Festival, May 15, 2011 5pm @ Dynasty Restaurant
* Silicon Valley Beauty Contest Chapter III, June 4, 2011 6pm @ Temple Lounge, San Jose

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Prophet or A Fool?

Am I a prophet or a fool? I don't know...I'm just one of those few people, who pursuit his or her own vision, who can either be a prophet or a fool, who prefers that essential uncertainty to the comfort of traveling with a crowd of like-minded seekers...

I read random books, I do random things, I create random thoughts, I make random theories...everything is so random, but all these random things are to some extent connected together--Nothing in this world is completely separated, everything tends to work in the same way--Why? How? ... That's the underlying orders of the universe scientists have been trying to figure out. 

In high school years, I have been fixed my eyes on the universe--mathematics, physics, fundamental theories--from Newton's traditional mechanics, to Einstein's general relativity, then to quantum physics.  Switched my attention to more complex science, such as chaos theory and system science when I got into college. My life went to another way every since, as I got into the business world. Then I start to learn more "practical" things--law, psychology, economics, finance...and one day, by some random chance, I started to learn Chinese medicine, acupuncture, then another random chance, I got into fashion world.  However, all those random things seem to start to connect together to this point, and it switched my attention back to quantum physics, but this time I have a full new view of this science, and of this world...

It's time to put these random things together... but it will still be random notes ... I may be a prophet, or a fool ... who knows? who cares? just follow your heart, follow your mind, take a step back, breath deeply, relax, then open your eyes, expose to as many things as you can, and learn as much as you can ...

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