"I need to look perfect all the time!" -- I used to think this way. Whenever I needed to go out, even if just went grocery shopping, I always made sure that I look perfect--maybe not absolutely perfect, but at least it should look perfect to me at that moment. And I became more so since I got involved in all those fashion events. We may look shiny on the runway, but we do make funny faces at back stage, thus there are lots of funny pictures taken behind the scene--they are fun to look, but I would never allow them to appear in public websites (as long as I know), and not even show them to close friends.
Most of the world's successful models are pencil thin and for ads in magazines and posters, their faces and bodies are touched up so that they look perfect. Sadly, I'm not one of them, and millions of girls and women measure themselves against these impossible standards and come up short.
Black Swan makes me think...and I realized that there's no such thing called "perfection", there is only perfection within imperfection. The real beauty will not be affected by a little defects. Imperfection is beauty, only if we can truly accept the imperfection and appreciate the imperfection, we can then find the true perfection.
No need to feel shame because we are not perfect. Be confident--Confidence creates beauty!
About Me
- MissBonbonChloé
- San Francisco, CA, United States
- Sur mon Ile, j'ai écris une page d histoire, pas d'humanité, ni historique, mais une page de MON histoire. Ne rêvons pas nos vie, vivons nos rêves...
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- A Brief History of Time - by Stephen Hawking
- Behavioral Corporate Finance - by Hersh Shefrin
- Blue Ocean Strategy - by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
- Competitive Advantate - by Michael E. Porter
- Competitive Strategy - by Michael E. Porter
- Dealing With Darwin - by Geoffrey A. Moorel
- Jurassic Park - by Michael Crichton
- Leadership and the New Science - by Margaret J. Wheatley
- Nothing I See Means Anything - by David Parrish
- Paying for It - by Veronica Monet
- Relativity - by Albert Einstein
- Seven Life Lessons of Chaos - by John Briggs and F. David Peat
- The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud - by Sigmund Freud
- The Elegant Universe - by Brian Greene
- The Hidden Reality - by Brian Greene
- The Intelligent Investors - by Benjamin Graham
- The Lost World - by Michael Crichton
- The Road To Reality - By Roger Penrose
- The Social Atom - by Mark Buchanan
- The Theory of Everything - by Stephen W. Hawking
- The Tipping Point - by Malcolm Gladwell
- The Trouble with Physics - by Lee Smolin
- The Way of Adventure - by Jeff Salz
- Three Roads to Quantum Gravity - by Lee Smolin
- Turbulent MIRROR - by John Briggs & F. David Peat
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